A Magic show, games, music, dancing, a party lunch and best of all presents from Santa were all available for the children of Mayfield at their Children’s Christmas Party on Sunday morning, 19th December, organised and supported by MARNA, Mayfield’s own Neighbourhood Association.

The party started at 10.30 am with all children accompanied by an adult and as you would expect all Covid-19 precautions were in place with doors and windows open and adults wearing masks – not that any of that put off having real fun.

At just £3.50 per child and free for the under-threes, it was a great and totally affordable party, and if magician Mr Dizzy was not enough of a treat then a certain Mr S Claus and his elves certainly put the cherry on the Christmas cake (along with Jelly and ice cream of course!) It was a great start to a children’s Christmas with many asking Santa to be sure to call on Christmas Eve.

Out thanks to all the volunteers who made it happen, to Trent and Dove for their support, to parents who kept everyone safe and of course to a certain Santa who stopped off from the north pole to make 42 children very happy indeed.