Featuring a bar run by the Mayfield Arms, barbeque by Alder Carr Farm, pizza oven, popcorn, book stall, ice cream, cake stall, Cats Protection stall, wax melts and bath products stall, gifts, dog training demonstration from TPL Dog Training, natural dog treats, Shlafrok dog coats and accessories, hook-a-duck, bottle game, South African baked treats, line dancing, shire horses, classing bikes, bouncy castle, dog show, children’s activities and other stalls, games and attractions. If you would like a stall it costs just £10 – download the booking form here.

Summer fair

MARNA will be running a tombola on the day – if you’ve anything you could donate for that, email office@marna.org.uk. Thank you!

We’re selling raffle tickets in advance of the event for anyone who can’t make it on the day. All proceeds going towards the playground. £1 per ticket or 6 for £5. Lots of prizes including £100 cash, Wild Park paint balling for 8 people worth £170, Peak Wildlife tickets, Denstone Cafe voucher, £25 voucher for The Royal Oak and Gullivers Kingdom tickets. Available on the bar at the Memorial Hall or contact us and we’ll deliver.


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