You may have been wondering what has been happening with the playground that so many of you have generously supported. Here is a progress report.
First a huge thank you to Councillor Ed Barker and the East Staffordshire Borough Council who have this month awarded us a £2000 grant towards a new play area, and offered to help us with more grant applications.
The sticking point in getting the playground done for the last year has been planning permission. We couldn’t put any large play equipment by the boundary to the adjacent house, and we couldn’t put anything underneath the oak tree which has a tree protection order on it. This left us with two choices, either really reduce the amount of play equipment, or put the playground somewhere else. We decided on the latter and now hope to have it next to the MUGA (multi-use games area). The planning committee meet next week to consider our amended application.

So, onto the fundraising. The Mayfield community have raised a magnificent £8997. In addition we have grants from Trent and Dove Housing Federation – many thanks to them, funds from the MRA reserves and a promise of funding from the Moy Park Community Fund once planning permission is in place. We have submitted other grant applications and we are awaiting a decision on these.
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us – by donations or advice or running stalls or in any other way. The support in the village has been immense. We hope that before the end of this year construction can begin.