A pop-up restaurant held in the Memorial Hall has completed a major fundraising effort to provide an outdoor gym in Mayfield.

Twenty people enjoyed a Chinese banquet cooked by Andrew Reay-Robinson. Unlike previous pop-up meals, COVID-19 restrictions meant we held it in the main hall with spaced out tables and measures in place to protect against the virus. Despite the size of the hall it still felt quite intimate and the lighting looked lovely.

We donated £100 of the proceeds to the Memorial Hall, which has suffered a loss of income during the pandemic. The remainder, £350, went towards to gym and finished off the fundraising.

Other funding has been provided by: Mayfield Parish Council, Trent and Dove Federation, Mayfield Recreational Association, Rank Foundation, Sharon Amy’s Funathon, Memorial Hall barbeque, Amazon Smile, plant sales, fish and chip bingo and other Marna fundraising initiatives. COVID-19 meant that our planned events over the summer had to be cancelled but we are delighted to finally managed to raise the amount needed.

The gym will be free to use and for everyone aged 14 and over. In consultation with the Mayfield Community, the equipment has been chosen to have something for everyone, including disabled and elderly people.
Thank you everyone who has helped with the gym fundraising, in whatever way. Next up – lets update the children’s playground.