Fish and Chips Bingo 2023 – Playground
Our 2023 fish and chips bingo raised £340 for the playground.

Scouts and Senior Social Club
We’ve donated £100 each to the First Mayfield Scouts and the Mayfield Senior Social Club. Both were in need of more funds and so we are extremely happy to be able to help these two organisations serving opposite age groups of the village.

Fish and Chips Bingo 2021 – Playground
Proceeds from our 2021 fish and chips bingo went into the playground fund.

Summer Fair – Playground
Alongside the MRA, we helped organise the village summer fair raising money for the new playground

Fish and Chips Grocery Bingo – Outdoor Gym
Thank you everyone for supporting this fundraising event for an Outdoor Gym at the MRA. We raised £320.

Children’s Christmas Party
We put the money raised from the selling tea, coffee, mince pies etc in the Children’s Playground fund.

Village Fete – MRA
We donated half the profits we made at the village fete to the Mayfield Recreational Association, to go towards projects like the playground.

Easter Egg Hunt
30 Children hunted for Easter Eggs, made Easter cards, took part in egg and spoon races and listened to stories on our Easter Saturday day for children. It was a free event, thanks to Easter Eggs being donated by Trent and Dove. We shared the proceeds of the raffle with the Senior Social Club

MUGA Revamp – MRA
Our team of volunteers dismantle the old skatepark (MUGA) ready for refurbishment.

Cheese and Wine
We held a cheese and wine event for representatives of Mayfield groups and societies. After introducing ourselves we listened to the priorities for the groups and village, and made plans to help where we could

Children’s Christmas Party
The Memorial Hall generously donated the bar fee and the money we made from selling tea, coffee and cakes went to the Wendy Club for children under-five.